Monday, January 31, 2011



Headaches are caused by disharmony of body, mind and spirit. All illnessness are caused by disharmony of the whole. When I have a thought in the back of my mind for too long I feel it niggling me. I feel the discomfort and slowing down of my flow.

Trust every moment of the here and now. When we think we are concerned. When we show unnecessary concern we suffer. When we dwell on fixations, problems, worries, … etc we suffer. Best to leave them all alone and face them with a fresh mind or no mind everytime.

This way we trust inner and outer intelligence and intuition to do its work on us. Just as we trust our hearts to beat and our nails to grow etc… let mind be, let body be, let spirit be… living fully alert in awareness in the here and now.

Attachment and aversions. Whenever I feel overly attached I let go. Whenever I feel a strong dislike or distaste for something, I surrender and relax in to a meditative state.

Thinking causes more thinking and more mental activity uselessly and unnecessarily. Start using the mind at the wrong times and there will be no end to it cause it traps you in a loop. Analyzing, interpreting, having a dialog …etc… No need for language, words or understanding. Non-understanding means trust. Complete surrender and trust to the ever new experience of innocence and freedom of choice every here and now.

What if I make mistakes? It’s ok because I will make every effort not to repeat it again. A mistake is not a mistake unless repeated.
It’s not worth the headache, the hassle, ill moods or ill health to worry, harp upon matters with the mind.

Best deal with every situation as it comes. Cross the bridge when we come to it. Spend all your time in the current moment and enjoy fully, giving all attention to the witness of yourselves and others. The witness is detached but affectionately knowing and understanding. Knowing as in the big picture and understanding as in complete trust even though at that time we don’t seem to understand.

All things pass and change. Find the changeless in the background and you have the immutable, the timeless and the spaceless. Beyond mind is to transcend the mind or to leave it as is. Headaches, heartaches begone!